Monday, 16 May 2011

I love Henry Moore's work and it's currently showcased at Hatfield House, in Hatfield where I went to school

or 'atfield I should say. Well worth a visit and not far out of London. Hatfield House that is. I wouldn't recommend visiting Hatfield...

I wholeheartedly agree and disagree with him..

If the link stops working it is Francis Fukuyama commenting on the End of History and how democratic capitalism will "be it" (I disagree) and how students are now too specialised and often form views based on social acceptance (I agree).

today my soul shall dance

A lovely idea this - please take a look.
I'm not very good at drawing. I never doodled in class at school (too busy talking and trying to make people laugh according to all my school reports), so only really began drawing 3 years ago and have really still not done much of it. I'm getting noticeably better though.
And drawing does really make you feel happy. Try it.