Sunday 4 March 2012

Lille day three I think...

We then merged groups and we were with a group whose main theme was ecology and a wider strategy  in terms of infrastructure. Perfect match for our scheme. After several discussions going in different directions all day (another 13 hours) and I felt we were drifting, my patience ran out so I spoke to a few of the other team about how I saw the fabric concept being taken further and they were on board. It worked well with their ideas  and then we all went home. The next day I didn’t go in (health stuff) and the funny thing was, by not being there it felt like my idea was considered more than if I had been there shouting the toss. So it was developed further (and well I should add) in my absence.

The team got on with allocating tasks etc, when I came in the next day Julia and I had been given the A3 book and precedents, (probably we felt as we had been awol the day before - Julia only for some of the time though) however, we just got on with it - no time to argue now. Julia can now do an A3 book in record time! It made me wish once again that we had learned such useful packages as Indesign in earlier years at Uni rather than Bryce (far less relevant to us) and repeating basic CAD we had already done twice.

Anyway! Julia and I ploughed on - her with the book and I wrote a mission statement and did a precedents A1 sheet. I tried to stand back from the group discussions in the studio aside from going in every couple of hours and then push to get the next decision made. Simon and I locked horns a few times as his style is more relaxed whereas I just want to get on with stuff - all very amicable though! We can laugh now (although I have to say there were tears from me at the pure exhaustion, frustration of getting nowhere fast and lack of food.)

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