Thursday 5 April 2012

how is everyone getting on? Lille pics below

I've been ill the past 2 days and unable to function - so frustrating as there is lots to do and keen to get stuck in and try to improve my drawing/I.T skills. In the meantime, a few pics from Lille for your delectation! These include the destruction of the studio and then the students! Also our lecturer Jamie in a blizzard!
And my terrible 5 min sketch done in my hostel after a very long frustrating day 1 in our first team - this came back on day 3 - a key moment for me when I saw that people understood and liked my concept (with a bit of explaining!) and it wasnt the most important thing (prev held view) to have the most beautiful pic ever. Learning all the time....

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos and your picture - is that Kenji under the hat? Looks like you had a good giggle! Hope you feel better soon.
