Monday 7 March 2011


does anyone use the reverse camera on their iphone to look into whilst drying their hair? No? Just me then. My hairdryer cord won't reach my mirror. Yes, there are easier ways. Why is it that we always choose the easiest path? Especially when most of us waste hours of our lives doing trivial things, yet we cut across the good grass.
And another thing, the lovely Dave and my neighbour's builders put my fridge freezer in my garden for 8 days to defrost my freezer which had been jammed open and building up it's own arctic. Now my fridge is back home it has decided to freeze everything. So, I can buy no chilled food and I keep my milk outside my back door. True story.

1 comment:

  1. argh my baked beans are frozen. I was looking forward to them with my sausages. Over-reliance on all things technological, being demonstrated to me at a very immediate level at the moment. I am currently putting together a seminar on how we can use/influence the natural climate in an urban environment to improve "urban liveability" and energy conservation, rather than rely on technology
