Sunday 20 March 2011

to be or not to be...

so. I was waiting for my train to go into work (on a Saturday - bleurgh) and the sun was streaming down onto me (lovely) and I was peering over the blue painted (peeling) rail by the platform, onto the area which I am going to study shortly, which is a nature reserve. I identified a few trees and shrubs (more than I thought) and then began to think that I really didn't deserve to be a Landscape Architect.
I accepted that I had just never given the subject my full attention and I had flung my brain over the subject occasionally over the years, whilst distracted by so many other things. So. No feeling sorry for myself, it's about time I started fighting for it and I intend to do so more and more over the coming months. 7 years ago I decided that I had fallen upon a perfect subject for me. I met a warm, modest and inspiring man called Kim Wilkie who happened to be my brother's landlord at the time. Turns out he is one of the best Landscape Architects in Europe. He showed me his work with enthusiasm and I knew this was something exciting. One which could mean I could move with my work around the world, as I had always imagined. One that challenges me enough to actually keep me interested. So. I am going to stop feeling frustrated it has taken me so long to get this far and marvel in the fact that after 7 years; she who bores very easily, is still pretty damn enthralled by it all. Lucky me.
Enjoy his work:

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